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I came, I saw, I conquered Durango

The Berklee crew in attendance at Durango

This was such a fantastic experience at the Durango Songwriters Expo. Since I had been down this road once before, the fear of the unknown part was out of my system. So this time, I went in trying to turn some heads and make contact with as many industry types as would listen to me. And it paid off. I got 9 contact email addresses with requests to follow up with material. You can't ask for a better outcome than that.

A huge shoutout to my man Neil Diercks. What a life changing suggestion you made to me when you said, "hey man, you should go to this Durango Songwriters Expo." Can't thank you enough brother. And a huge thanks to all of my new industry contacts. I appreciate you guys believing in what I'm doing Steve, Richard, Arielle, Max, Alex, Jarred, Eric, Jennie, and Tommy. Can't wait to see how our paths cross in the future.

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